Maggioni Type

Maggioni Type: Tipografia cartotecnica Milano Baranzate

Maggioni Type
makes your ideas touchable

Ultime News
© Copyright StudioPigna

SA 8000

MAGGIONI TYPE S.R.L. has decided to implement a social responsibility system that guarantees compliance with the requirements set by the SA8000:2014 standard and to obtain certification according to the requirements established by the aforementioned standard. It is a certification of excellence in the field of corporate social responsibility. The standard establishes the requirements that the company management system must have to maintain ethically correct behaviour towards workers, suppliers, local communities, customers, the environment and consumers.

Among other things, the standard ensures:

  • The exclusion of child labour and monitoring so that this is also guaranteed for suppliers and subcontractors;
  • The exclusion of forced labour and monitoring so that this is also guaranteed for suppliers and subcontractors;
  • non-discrimination of workers by sex, nationality, religion, etc. and monitoring so that this is also guaranteed for suppliers and subcontractors;
  • the commitment to comply with health and safety regulations in the workplace and monitoring so that this is also guaranteed for suppliers and subcontractors;
  • the commitment to pay adequate wages and monitoring so that this is also guaranteed for suppliers and subcontractors;
  • the assessment of the impacts that the company may have on the environment, the local community and employees and the opening of dialogue channels with them.