MAGGIONI TYPE S.R.L., with the Itaca Communication – Maso Zambo visual identity project, is among the finalists of the Ferigoni Top Award.
Top Award is one of the best moments of our already splendid work and the excitement when we start receiving the works is great.
For us, it’s like harvest time in the garden: after so much effort in making special papers, labels, plastic films according to the needs of customers, fashion and technology, every 18 months we see the full fruits of the work of the entire supply chain: Top Award is in fact the only one in the world that rewards graphic designers, printers and customers together for the best use of Fedrigoni products.
Therefore, authors, graphic designers, publishers, printers, fashion houses and packagers work around the Fedrigoni raw material, the capabilities of the machinery, the product to contain and accompany and present, to create quality artefacts. The love for a job well done, whether it’s a small book for private circulation or a case for cosmetics, is the constant in all the works we see.
We see a careful and intelligent use of resources. The constraint of the budgets of the post-crisis years leads to the search for essential forms, to seek new paths, often experimental in the mix of digital technologies and artisanal aspects, arriving at a refined form of simplicity. Constraints serve to sharpen ingenuity.
Whatever the reason that leads our customers to use paper, printing it, folding it, to accompany ideas and products, the need for the material is the same: beauty and originality, technical perfection and availability. We have always put our utmost effort into accompanying customer projects, particularly in times of crisis when an error on materials can cost even more, and we are immensely satisfied when we see the wonderful creations that graphic designers, printers and end customers manage to produce with Fedrigoni.